Misogyny: Why Kamala Harris Lost the Presidential Election to Donald Trump

So today I thought about rampant misogyny as I listened to portions of the counting of the electoral votes by Vice President Kamala Harris to officially certify Donald Trump as president.

I couldn’t help but think about what I have believed since Hillary Clinton lost her bid for president: sexism and misogyny.

Voter Apathy Among Key Groups

Vice President Kamala Harris on stageIt’s always easier to analyze history than to predict the future. The reality of Kamala Harris’s loss lies heavily in voter apathy. Many people who would have benefited from her policies simply didn’t show up at the polls. Families struggling for better healthcare, stronger labor unions, and enhanced social services failed to vote in their own best interest. I personally know families who desperately need these services yet opted out of voting. They either believed their vote wouldn’t matter or failed to make time. This is the epitome of a self-fulfilling prophecy: by not voting, they ensured the outcome they most feared—a government less likely to address their needs.

This inaction is particularly tragic for those reliant on policies that Democrats historically champion. The refusal to participate in democracy is, effectively, a vote against oneself. This lack of turnout allowed the opposition to triumph, highlighting how voter disengagement can cripple a candidate’s chances, no matter how beneficial their policies might be.

Misogyny and the Barrier of Gender

Kamala Harris’s loss echoes Hillary Clinton’s defeat: both faced entrenched sexism. While Clinton won the popular vote, she lost in the Electoral College, demonstrating that winning nationwide support isn’t enough when key battleground states don’t align. Harris faced a similar uphill battle. A significant segment of the electorate remains unwilling to vote for a woman for president, no matter her qualifications.

Misogyny in America is undeniable. For those not certain about the term, misogyny means a dislike, prejudice, or even hatred toward women just because they are women. It shows up in many ways, like believing that women aren’t as smart or capable as men or thinking that women should only do certain types of jobs. Sometimes, people openly claim that women shouldn’t vote or lead, revealing blatant sexism. Other times, society subtly reinforces unfair treatment toward women through actions and policies. For example, employers often pay women less than men for doing the same job, and people judge women more harshly when they speak assertively. Misogyny doesn’t just manifest as attitudes—it directly shapes laws, workplace dynamics, and relationships, making it even harder for women to achieve equality.

Evangelical Christians and other conservative religious groups often promote the belief that women are inherently subordinate to men. These ideologies persist in parts of the country where traditional gender roles are deeply ingrained, limiting women’s ability to gain widespread support for leadership roles.

This systemic sexism isn’t confined to religion. Women are still underrepresented in positions of power, whether in politics, business, or other sectors. Despite progress, a significant portion of society clings to outdated views about women’s capabilities and roles.

Violence Against Women as a Reflection of Misogyny

Domestic violence and violence against women are rampant in the United States, further illustrating the pervasive disregard for women. These issues are deeply tied to the systemic inequalities that Harris’s candidacy sought to challenge. The persistence of these problems reflects a cultural devaluation of women, making it harder for a woman to gain the respect and trust necessary to lead the nation.

Male Domination and Reluctance to Relinquish Power

Men dominate leadership roles in the U.S., and many are unwilling to relinquish this control. This is evident in both subtle and overt displays of misogyny. Researchers consistently find that society scrutinizes women more harshly than men when they seek leadership. For example, people often praise male leaders for showing assertiveness, but they label women with the same traits as aggressive or unlikable. This double standard remains a significant obstacle.

As time progresses, there is evidence that misogyny is becoming more entrenched. Social media and political rhetoric have amplified sexist attitudes, creating an environment where gender equality is harder to achieve. The reluctance of male leaders to support women’s ascension is a major barrier to progress.

Hope: the Decline of Religious Influence

There is hope for the future: younger generations are distancing themselves from organized religion. This trend could lead to a more equitable society. Many religious doctrines perpetuate the idea of women as second-class citizens. The irony here is striking! Religions often claim to teach goodness and fairness. However, they frequently uphold systems that oppress women. As religious influence wanes, there is potential for a cultural shift that values women more equally and opens the door for female leaders.

However, we are not there yet. Women continue to face significant barriers to achieving true parity in power. The cultural and systemic changes needed for a woman to be widely accepted as a presidential candidate are still in their early stages.

The Unfortunate Reality of Apathy, Misogyny, and Systemic Inequality

Given the current state of gender politics in America, there’s an unfortunate reality. That’s that a woman will only be elected president when both major parties nominate female candidates. This would eliminate the gendered comparisons that often hinder female candidates. Until then, deeply ingrained biases and systemic barriers will continue to thwart the aspirations of women like Kamala Harris.

Harris’s loss is a stark reminder of the work still needed to achieve gender equity in America. Voter apathy, misogyny, and systemic inequality remain significant hurdles. But as societal attitudes evolve, there is hope that future generations will break these barriers. And maybe even embrace the leadership potential of women.

More information about Kamala Harris can be found at her website:

The Power of Openness: A Fresh Perspective on Intelligence and Personality

I recently discovered a thought-provoking article by Jeff Haden on Inc.com that not only explores the relationship between personality and intelligence but also emphasizes the pivotal role of “openness.” Grounded in a comprehensive meta-analysis of over 1,300 studies involving millions of participants, the article challenges prevalent stereotypes about intelligence. For instance, it dispels the notion that a cluttered workspace signifies creativity or that higher intelligence leads to unhappiness.
The Concept of OpennessThe central thesis of the article is that “openness” is the only personality trait with a significant correlation to intelligence. In this context, openness doesn’t mean oversharing personal secrets. Rather, it signifies a willingness to engage with new experiences, ideas, and information. As Jeff Bezos aptly puts it, “The smartest people are constantly revising their understanding, reconsidering a problem they thought they’d already solved.”

What I find particularly compelling is the article’s focus on the adaptability of intelligence. It argues that you don’t need to change your inherent personality traits to become more intelligent. The key is simply to be more open to new ideas and experiences. This perspective is especially liberating for those who may feel confined by their existing personality traits.

Furthermore, the article highlights the importance of adaptability and a willingness to change one’s mind as indicators of intelligence. It cites research showing that entrepreneurs who adapted their positions during pitch competitions were six times more likely to win. This underscores the value of being open to new perspectives and willing to revise one’s understanding.

In summary, if you’re interested in enhancing your cognitive abilities or simply wish to gain a fresh perspective on intelligence, this article is an invaluable read.

Read the full article here.

Dealing with Employees with Attitude Issues

Two people upset in their officeI have been self employed for most of my life. During that self employment, I have had numerous employees. My experience has taught me that regardless of group dynamics and the group’s nature generally, managing employee performance is a pivotal role for all leaders. The success of any organization hinges on the leader’s capability to set clear performance expectations and, in certain situations, guide the methods or processes to be employed.

However, there are instances when an employee might deviate from the set goals or processes. Such situations demand immediate assessment and action. Ignoring or hoping for spontaneous improvement is not a viable solution. Both the organization’s performance and the impact on co-workers can deteriorate, leading to a cascading negative effect. Addressing both technical and behavioral issues promptly, in alignment with policies and within regulatory boundaries, is crucial.

The repercussions of an employer mishandling such situations can be severe, including legal actions and tarnished public image. Therefore, having a leadership team that consistently applies best practices in performance management is essential for long-term success.

In my forthcoming articles, I’ll dive deep into real-world scenarios, shedding light on the intricacies of employee behavior. I hope to develop a blend of expert insights and actionable strategies, and aim to empower leaders like you to navigate these challenges with finesse.

Stay tuned for a journey that may help redefine your approach to workplace dynamics!

Glass Houses…

Glass Houses is an interestingly simple concept. It’s really just common sense, and it is amazing how many people just don’t think about it.

The Charlesworks Offices as seen inside the glass house. Created by Charles Oropallo.
One of the CharlesWorks Offices as seen inside the glass house.

Navigating through our lives and making mistakes is indisputably part of life itself. Mistakes, like everything else, occur along a continuum ranging from those small innocuous ones to the incredibly gigantic ones. Life is not fair, it’s just life. My personal experience has shown that it’s clearly whatever we decide to make of it. I’m a believer that misery is the anomaly, although at times it can seem to be the norm when one feels overtaken by it. There are usually people in our lives who we care about immensely, but they are so stuck in their negative funk that we can’t reach them. Often they can easily intellectualize their non-productive state but are unable to make a practical application of their intellectualization.

Then there are the others who feel so lousy about themselves that they attempt to push themselves up by stepping on those around them. We all know some of those – they’ll back-stab nearly everyone around them. We know or at least suspect that they are talking about us when we’re not around. And apparently, they don’t know – and most likely don’t care – that everyone around them realizes this. What they usually fail to see entirely is their own faults and misgivings. They are the ones who blame others for everything from their inability to maintain healthy personal relationships to their drinking or other chemical abuse. Yes, we all know some of those.

And it appears to be so true that misery loves company. However, the reality is that miserable people really don’t love anything. If there is any root to misery, it’s connected to extremely self-centered individuals who have invested heavily into their misguided feelings of entitlement. They think that because everything didn’t go perfectly in their lives, it’s okay to spread the misery around like mud – throwing it everywhere. Basic victimology bears this out – thinking it’s okay to hurt others because you were hurt. It’s a false sense of balancing – of fairness – to somehow equalize the misery of their existence at that time. But it’s so short lived and usually gone immediately, as there is no balance achieved through causing pain to others either directly or through self-destructive behavior.

All this is just a cycle. Fortunately it can be broken. What it is not, however, is easy. There is a lot of work to change. But the good news is that it can be done.

Exactly how, of course, is yet another story!